Thursday, May 30, 2013

Victor................. Sangini

This is a story about Victor and Sangini ........................ ohh Tulip also. Don,t worry...... These are my Family of Sparrows. In the mid of February, one Sunday I was at my home, after getting tired of busy work. on that day, I saw one male sparrow was wondering here and there at my window grill. He was fantastic.In whole day, I saw him for more than ten times at the Window grill.       
Then on last Sunday of February, I once again saw him in the same place where I spotted him on last to last Sunday. On that day, I kept watching him what he is exactly doing near the Window Grill. Then I learnt that he was nesting at our bedroom loft. I was surprised and got happy with a thought that one sparrow has selected my home for his nesting. Because as a nature's rule. anyone will think to build his/her's house at a safest place. I thought that sparrow has selected my home as he fill that it is a safest place for nesting and building his family.

On next Sunday, I kept watch on him. ohhhhhhhhhho............ Sorry. I forget to say you that I have named him as "Victor". Yaa.. While keeping watch on Victor, I saw some fantastic and amazing movements during the day. In whole day, he was making noise of "Chiv...Chiv.....Chiv" with a different rhythm which was not heard by me in normal days and i feel glad to say that he was in a mood of romance and was searching for his partner. Full day he was swinging from his nest to the grill and welcoming and inviting  new and different type of Female sparrows. On that day, I saw round about 3 Female Sparrow Swinging with him near to his nest and towards the Grill.

To be Continued........................

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